onsdag 22 februari 2012

Män som hatar kvinnor

I saw that movie today, or I saw the dubbed version, so I saw it in english. Before I was allways disturbed by the fact that movies were not in the original language, but that is when they were dubbed FROM english to something else. Finnish is absolutely the worst!

To the movie, I think it was okay, in the beginning it was kind of slow. But after half hour I have no idea where the rest of the time went! The only thing I could not watch was when she got raped. Forced to a blowjob already made me sick, but the actual rape .... I held my fingers in my ears and closed my eyes so hard! Lots I can handle....but not that!

It really was an interesting movie, and I look forward to watch the rest of them: Flickan som lekte med elden and Luftslottet som sprängdes. Then I also want to watch the hollywood version, The girl with the dragon tattoo. The girl who played with fire and The girl who kicked the hornest nest. So far I know that The girl with the dragon tattoo has been in cinemas. So I believe I have to wait a bit for those others.

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